Agents' Profiles

Daniel A. Bruschi, Principal Broker
Tel: 671-687-5115
Email: [email protected]
I began my career in real estate with BHI Realty back in September of 1996 in property management. I worked under my father’s guidance, Peter Bruschi, who was the founder and principal broker of BHI Realty since 1983. After gaining a few years of experience as a property manager, I decided to study to become a licensed real estate agent. In August of 2000, I obtained my real estate salesman license and became a member of the National Association of REALTORS as well as a member of our local chapter, the Guam Association of REALTORS. For about 7 years, I gained many clients and closed many contracts, and then decided that I was ready to become a broker. I achieved my associate broker’s license in October 2007 and continued to gain more business, knowledge, and experience. In July of 2010, after my father’s passing, I decided to keep my father’s company and legacy going and became the principal broker of BHI Realty. Ever since then, I’ve endeavored to continue my father’s legacy of honesty and integrity and to work hard and serve my clients and customers to the best of my ability.
Aurora Bautista Illera, Associate Broker
Tel: 671-687-7005
Email: [email protected]
Avery Ferreras, Realtor
Tel: 671-988-5263
Email: [email protected]
Christina L.H. Au, Associate Broker
Tel: 671-888-8626
Email: [email protected]
I have worked in the Guam construction and building materials business for over 20 years and been in real estate sales and rentals since 2006. Moving to Guam with my first born in 1991, I have gained a lot of local experience as I’ve worked with my husband and family to develop a retail/wholesale construction material business as well as raise my 3 children. YOU MAY HAVE QUESTIONS and concerns as you also work to develop a secure life for your family, whether it be renting, buying or building your own home, or investing in Guam real estate. YOU MAY FEEL UNCERTAIN or AN OUTSIDER to Guam ’s business culture. YOU MAY APPRECIATE a realtor who can be honest, candid and frank SO YOU CAN MAKE INFORMED DECISIONS.
Louisa M. Wessling, Associate Broker
Tel: 671-727-8400
Email: [email protected]
Neri S. Blas, Realtor
Tel: 671-727-3325
Cell: (671)727-3325
Hafa Adai! As a native of Guam, I was fortunate to grow up and spend my entire life on our beautiful island. I have been involved in local business as a professional in the real estate and construction industries for over 25 years, helping others achieve their goals and dreams.
My success in helping others is sincere and may be evidenced by the countless number of customers and clients I have been privileged to help, and now have successfully built or purchased their own homes, businesses or their many investments in real estate.
Just as many, are those that I have also assisted in selling their homes and properties they felt necessary to pursue other investments for their families and to provide for other immediate family needs as well.
My clients and customers include bankers, title and escrow company staff, professional land surveyors, building contractors, etc… These are the very same people you need to seek and trust will help you attain your hopes and dreams as well.
So if you are looking for a reputable professional with a track record of proven and trusted experience in all facets of real estate and construction, to market and sell your most prized possession, to assist you in buying that special home or property, to help you build a home, or maybe to lease or rent a home.
Please call "THE SOURCE" used by professionals! Thank you and Si Yu'us Ma'ase.
Aurora Kohn, Realtor
Tel: 671-747-9587
Email: [email protected]
Trinitas Sarmiento, Associate Broker
Tel: 671-687-8340
Email: [email protected]
(Languages: Ilocano, Tagalog and English)
Assembling creative financing and over-coming obstacles so people can have the best loan options possible for buying a new home or keeping the home they have – THAT is my specialty. Short on cash for any required down-payment (loan points), or having problems with your mortgage payments, or even facing foreclosure? - - - If you’re struggling to have or keep a home – come see me, I will help you. I have years of experience working with financial institutions and government programs that can overcome your hardships helping you to resolve issues: Do you want to buy an investment property? Let me help you choose the right property to rent or sell. A graduate of the University of Baguio (Bachelor of Science in Commerce), I have a comprehensive understanding of home purchasing/selling and construction learned from 10 years working with a hardware company, 10 years with home furnishings, and now nearly 20 years in real estate. And I understand working to have a “home” for family; since I first come to Guam in 1969, I have raised 3 children and now have 2-grands that make life worthwhile.
Zhi Xia “Cathy” Yang, Realtor
Tel: 671-898-4480
Tel: (671) 727-0060
Marjorie Del Carmen Realtor
Tel: (671) 489-8835
Arjay Balane
Tomio Kikuchi
Aurora Kohn
Carmelina Limtiaco